Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

We will schedule shipments within 24 hours of receiving your order. We do not schedule shipments on weekends when our warehouse is closed.

In general, you can receive your package within 3-5 business days. If affected by bad weather or epidemic, the delivery time may be delayed.

Shipping Status

You will receive an email informing you that your order has been shipped with the tracking number of your parcel. It is the customer's responsibility to track their order once it has been dispatched. However, we are more than happy to provide assistance if needed, please contact us at ( ).

Shipping Cost

We offer free shipping to many countries. However, for orders over the (free shipping price), we charge for shipping.

Prices may vary according to shipping method and location. An estimate will be calculated at checkout. Once your order dispatches from our facility, we will send you a shipping confirmation via email.